International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2019, 1(1); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2019.010102.
Zhenjie Sun*
Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xi'an710063, Shaanxi, China
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]
This study was performed to suggest the effective utilization of statistical package for educational research.More specifically, This study was approached in a perspective of two direction. The one is the testing, the other is the prediction. In a viewpoint of the teaching effect testing, this study is focused on the 'Post Hoc' and 'Planned Contrasts'. In a angle of our current living, this study is placed on the index, the quotient, and multiple analysis. In a critical point of future education, this study is put more emphasis on the factor analysis, time series analysis, the casual relationship, the behavioral analysis, the development of alternative model, a realistic possibility analysis of alternative future, estimation of factor in changing, hypothesis testing, the stability testing of system.Not only the literature review was used in this study, but also workshop articles and the results of discussion on the educational issue in the world future society.The result of this study is expected to help setting of the future oriented research direction, finding the needs of the more new statistical techniques.
Futurology, Educational Statistics, Structure Equation Model, Multiple Response, Post Hoc, Contrasts
Zhenjie Sun. A Study on the Educational Use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2019), Vol. 1, Issue 1: 20-29.
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