Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2023, 4(5); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2023.040504.
Chenning He1, Mengjing Sheng2, Qingping Xia3
1Shanghai Henlius Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Shanghai, China
2Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Lianyungang, China
3Department of Science and Education, the People’s Hospital of Gaozhou, Maoming, China
Object: Exploring the potential value of Nicandra Physaloides (L.) Gaertn seed meal substitute in prolonging digestion rate and regulating blood lipid.Methods: In this study, the metabolic rate of gastric contents in rats was determined by quantitative analysis, and the hypolipidemic effect was explored by detecting the serological indexes (insulin level, leptin, serum adiponectin, TC, TG, HDL, TNF- α, IL-6, etc.) in obese rats.Results: The experimental results show that the retention time of gastric contents could be effectively delayed by using Nicandra Physaloides (L.) Gaertn seed as substitute meal compared with ordinary meal substitute. It effectively reduced Lee's index, liver-body ratio, and total limb-body ratio in obese SD rats. In addition, it could not only effectively reduce the Lee's index, liver / body ratio, total limb ratio, oral glucose tolerance and insulin level of obese rats, but also effectively reduce the levels of serum TC and LDL-C in hyperlipidemic rats.
Physaloides (L.) Gaertn seed, gastric retention time, weight loss, hyperlipidemia
Chenning He, Mengjing Sheng, Qingping Xia. Exploring the Potential Value of Nicandra Physaloides (L.) Gaertn Seed Meal Substitute in Prolonging Digestion Rate and Regulating Blood Lipid. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2023) Vol. 4, Issue 5: 19-25.
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