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Frontiers in Sport Research, 2023, 5(8); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2023.050803.

Concepts and Origins of Ethnic Sports, Folk Sports, and Traditional Sports


Weina Yin, Yijun Fang

Corresponding Author:
Weina Yin

Taishan University, Tai'an, 271000, Shandong, China


This study enhances the theoretical framework of ethnic sports, folk sports, and grassroots sports culture from cultural, sociological, and economic perspectives. It clarifies the concepts related to multiculturalism, multiculturalism, ethnic sports, and folk sports. Based on this foundation, an analysis of the origins of ethnic sports, folk sports, and grassroots sports is conducted from a multicultural perspective. In ancient China, there was no concept of "sports" in the modern sense, but there existed a rich variety of traditional ethnic sports and physical activities with diverse forms. These activities originated from various sources, including religious beliefs, the pursuit of health, entertainment, and even evolved from warfare.


Ethnic sports, folk sports, grassroots sports, origins

Cite This Paper

Weina Yin, Yijun Fang. Concepts and Origins of Ethnic Sports, Folk Sports, and Traditional Sports. Frontiers in Sport Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 8: 12-16. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSR.2023.050803.


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