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Frontiers in Art Research, 2023, 5(14); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2023.051413.

The Use of Cultural Sings in Cultural Programs: The Case of China in the Intangible Cultural Heritage


Peng Jiyao

Corresponding Author:
Peng Jiyao

College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China


Under the background of Media convergence, the audience's demand for cultural programs is getting higher and higher, which requires cultural programs to constantly seek innovative ways, and the key to the great success of some cultural programs lies in the use of cultural signs. This paper takes the large-scale cultural program "Intangible Cultural Heritage" as an example, takes the trichotomy as the research field, studies its use of cultural signs, and explores the value and significance of these cultural signs, with a view to providing an innovative basis for the production of cultural programs.


Cultural program; Cultural signs; China in the Intangible Cultural Heritage

Cite This Paper

Peng Jiyao. The Use of Cultural Sings in Cultural Programs: The Case of China in the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Frontiers in Art Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 14: 72-76. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2023.051413.


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