Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2023, 4(10); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2023.041008.
Haisheng Zhao, Yixuan Zeng
Easyday Education, Shanghai, China
Population aging poses a significant challenge in numerous countries nowadays. This study aimed to investigate the potential relationship between the young's attitudes towards old people and the young's aging anxiety. These two variables are measured separately by the Kogan’s Attitudes toward Older People scale (KAOPS) and the Anxiety about aging scale (AAS). The results indicated that there's a negative correlation between these two variables. In essence, the outcomes suggested that a more favorable attitude towards the old people is linked to lower levels of aging-related anxiety among young individuals.
population aging, attitudes towards old people, aging anxiety
Haisheng Zhao, Yixuan Zeng. Research on Positive Attitudes of Old People. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2023) Vol. 4, Issue 10: 52-56.
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