International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2023, 7(7); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.2023.070708.
Guang Yang, Jianye Chen
College of Water Resource & Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065, China
Accompanied by the integration of the world economy and high-speed development, the continuous promotion of the construction of towns and cities with the gradual saturation of urban road traffic, subway, light rail, and other rail transportation has become one of the main ways for residents of large cities to travel. This paper borrows from the network information big data and location conditions analysis, through the ARIMA time series combined with the passenger flow conveyance prediction and combined with the corresponding AnyLogic software to realize the subway entrance and exit people simulation. Accordingly, it realizes the construction planning and station design of the future rail transit trunk line in Haikou City, the capital of Hainan Province.
ARIMA Model, AnyLogic Simulation Model, Urban Rail Transit Planning and Station Design, Footfall Prediction Models, Analysis of Key Urban Locations
Guang Yang, Jianye Chen. Urban Rail Transit Planning and Design Based on ARIMA Model and AnyLogic Software Station Pedestrian Flow Simulation. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2023) Vol.7, Issue 7: 53-60.
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