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Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2023, 4(11); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2023.041108.

The Impact of Wuqinxi Exercise on the Mental Health of Chinese College Students: A Quantitative Empirical Study


Qian Zhang1, Anlin Peng1, Yihua Pi2, Ningwei Mo1, Xincheng Li1, Jiabao Lun1

Corresponding Author:
Qian Zhang

1College of Public Health and Management, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning, China

2Physical Education Department, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning, China


This study aimed to investigate the improvement of psychological well-being among university students through a four-month Wuqinxi (Five Animal Frolics) intervention. Using the SCL-90 self-assessment scale, the psychological health levels of the intervention group were compared to the control group. Results revealed a significant improvement in the intervention group, emphasizing the holistic nature of Wuqinxi, combining physical movements, breath control, and meditation. This practice is believed to rebalance mind-body equilibrium, alleviate anxiety and depression, and enhance emotional well-being. The practical implications are significant, as adopting Wuqinxi as an intervention may elevate students' psychological health and overall quality of life. Wuqinxi is an actively effective method, addressing anxiety, depression, and fostering key factors like self-awareness and decision-making. The conclusion highlights Wuqinxi's positive impact on university students' psychological health, offering valuable guidance for promoting holistic well-being.


College students, Wuqinxi intervention, Psychological well-being, SCL-90 self-assessment

Cite This Paper

Qian Zhang, Anlin Peng, Yihua Pi, Ningwei Mo, Xincheng Li, Jiabao Lun. The Impact of Wuqinxi Exercise on the Mental Health of Chinese College Students: A Quantitative Empirical Study. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2023) Vol. 4, Issue 11: 53-59. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJMHS.2023.041108.


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