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Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science, 2023, 5(9); doi: 10.25236/AJEE.2023.050909.

Research on Wetland Problems and Management Measures in Niangnianshan National Wetland Park in Liupanshui


Rui Ding

Corresponding Author:
Rui Ding

Karst Research Institute of Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, 550001, Guizhou, China


Liupanshui Niangniangshan National Wetland Park is known as a rare water tower in the Pearl River region. It is a "two mountains" practice sample of "three changes innovation · Landscape transforming into gold" in Southwest plateau wetland. The wetland park plays a very important role in the economic development and people's life of the whole region. In order to better protect and develop the wetland, the local government contacted relevant experts to evaluate the value of the wetland. After investigation, in order to better protect and develop the wetland, it was decided to build the park into an ecotourism place, thus helping the rural revitalization. This paper takes the wetland of Niangniangshan National Park in Liupanshui as the research object, and analyzes the degradation causes and restoration measures of the wetland through field investigation and literature research. It aims to put forward feasible strategies for wetland protection and restoration according to the actual situation, realize the sustainable development of wetland resources, maintain the security of regional ecosystem, and improve the quality of ecotourism to help rural revitalization and benefit local people.


Plateau wetland, degradation causes, countermeasures and suggestions

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Rui Ding. Research on Wetland Problems and Management Measures in Niangnianshan National Wetland Park in Liupanshui. Academic Journal of Environment & Earth Science (2023) Vol. 5 Issue 9: 70-76. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJEE.2023.050909.


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