Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2023, 6(12); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2023.061204.
Zhongling Meng, Junwei Shi, Hui Dong, Tianyu Liang, Fei Li
School of Management Science and Engineering, Shandong Technology and Business University, Yantai, China
The frequent occurrence of coal mine accidents seriously jeopardizes people's lives and national public property. Early warning of coal mine disaster accidents can provide rescue programs for the occurrence of coal mine disaster accidents to reduce losses. This paper analyzes the current situation of coal mine major disaster accidents in China, conducts a study of coal mine major disaster accident risk early warning by means of questionnaires, analyzes the association of risk factors affecting coal mine major disaster accidents with risk early warning by warning by means of questionnaires, analyzes the association of risk factors affecting coal mine major disaster accidents with risk early warning by constructing structural equation models, and finally proposes corresponding measures to make a comprehensive evaluation and early warning of coal mine major disaster events.Initially, the theories relating to the risk warning of coal mine production safety are analyzed and summarized. Then, the characteristics and causal factors of major disaster accidents in coal mines are thoroughly examined, leading to the compilation of major disaster risk warning indicators. By developing a structural equation model to warn against major disasters in coal mines, a study evaluating safety measures was conducted. The results can significantly reduce the threat of major accidents to coal mine operations. Based on the findings, countermeasures addressing production challenges were proposed for safety management and technology. These countermeasures aim to provide guidance and reference for coal mines related to safety work.
Major coal mine disasters; Risk Warning; Structural Equation Model; SPSS; AMO
Zhongling Meng, Junwei Shi, Hui Dong, Tianyu Liang, Fei Li. Simulation Study on Risk Warning and Control Mechanism and Transmission Path of Major Disasters and Accidents in Coal Mine Based on Method of Structural Equation. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 12: 21-30.
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