Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2023, 6(12); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2023.061219.
Yuqin Zhang, Chang Liu
Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, China
Through The study investigated the impact of geocell reinforcement position and the number of reinforced layers on the bearing capacity and deformation characteristics of sandy embankments under various working conditions, through model tests of sandy embankments and geocell-reinforced sandy embankments. The study examined the impact of the position of geocell reinforcement and the number of reinforcement layers on the bearing capacity and deformation characteristics of windlogged sand embankments under various operational conditions. Additionally, it comparatively analyzed the soil pressure on the upper and lower sides of the geocell reinforcement position. The test results indicate that the use of geocell reinforcement in embankments can enhance the embankment's load-bearing capacity, mitigate uneven settlement and lateral deformation, and increase the ultimate bearing capacity by 83.3% when compared to a plain sand embankment under a three-layer reinforced condition. Furthermore, the geocell-reinforced layer can create a composite structure with the soil, distribute upper stress, expand the internal stress area of the embankment, and act as a frictional constraint to limit horizontal and vertical soil deformation, reduce settlement, and enhance the damage mechanism of both the embankment and the reinforced embankment. Decreasing the settlement enhances the bearing capacity and stability of the embankment.
Reinforced Embankment; Windlogged Sand; Geocells; Modelling Tests; Slope Stability
Yuqin Zhang, Chang Liu. Mechanical response of geocell reinforced wind-logged sand based on model test. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 12: 128-135.
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