Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2019, 2(3); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.020062.
Li Meijun, Wang Miao, Li Shuai, Chen Youhui
State Grid Liaoning Electric Power CO, LTD. Power Electric Research Institute, Shenyang, Liaoning110015, China
Due to the complexity and particularity of the power grid system, a large amount of information resources need to be transmitted and processed, and the transmission and processing results are transmitted to the management analysis department in time through the communication facilities. Therefore, it is often easy to get into a paralyzed state. The research and development of power information technology has changed this traditional situation. The current power system combines power information technology with power communication technology and has achieved good results.
power system; information communication
Li Meijun, Wang Miao, Li Shuai, Chen Youhui. Deepening research on grid system complexity. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2019) Vol. 2 Issue 3: 116-121.
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