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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2023, 6(25); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2023.062522.

Research on the Revocation of Invalid Legal Acts


Yang Yuehu

Corresponding Author:
Yang Yuehu

Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, Anhui, China, 233000


Non effective legal acts have been widely recognized as an independent type of effectiveness, and discussions on whether non effective legal acts can be revoked have followed. As an independent state of validity, an ineffective legal act has a logical basis for revocation, and it should be clear that it is revocable when the conditions for exercising the revocation right are met. Revocable not only requires that the meaning of the legal act be untrue, but also requires that the revoked legal act be valid. The uniqueness of the non effective state compared to other effective states lies in its special situation of being "effective" but not "effective". In this context, the distinction between effective and effective should be strictly distinguished; A legal act that has not yet been "effective" but is "effective" means that the legal act that has not yet been effective meets the requirement of revocable validity. In addition to complying with syllogistic reasoning, the revocation of an ineffective act also meets the legislative purpose of revoking it; The revocation of an ineffective act shall also comply with the exercise period of the revocation right.


Legal acts; Not effective; Right of revocation

Cite This Paper

Yang Yuehu. Research on the Revocation of Invalid Legal Acts. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 25: 139-149. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2023.062522.


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