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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2023, 6(13); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2023.061327.

CandyCycleGAN: Candy Color Coloring Algorithm Based on Chromaticity Verification


Shisong Zhu, Mei Xu, Bibo Lu, Huan Xu

Corresponding Author:
Mei Xu

School of Computer Science and Technology, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, 454003, China


Candy color is a new way of existence in the field of photography, and its characteristics of high brightness, low saturation, and low contrast bring a different color experience to the world. However, no relevant algorithm dedicated to candy color processing has been found yet, for this reason, the CandyCycleGAN network based on color verification is proposed to realize candy color recoloring. Based on the CycleGAN network, we implement multi-scale fusion to enhance the detailed features of the output image and improve the quality of the output image; we design the Chromaticity verification process to constrain the range of the generated chromaticity values to ensure that the final effect meets the expectation; we use the Smooth L1 Loss as the loss function of the Chromaticity verification to measure the gap between the generated image and the expected image, and at the same time, compare the coloring quality of the image with that of the image using different loss functions; we add a gradient penalty to the coloring quality; we add a gradient penalty to the coloring quality. The gradient penalty is added to construct a new data distribution between the generated image and the expected image, and the gradient penalty is applied to each input data, which changes the gradient limitation method of the discriminator network and improves the stability of the network during the training process; the output of two different sizes of discriminant matrices allows the generator to generate images with higher resolution and better details. In comparison experiments with five algorithms such as CycleGAN, AdaAttN, etc., the CandyCycleGAN network reduces the computation by 37.95%, improves the PSNR by 49.83%, improves the SSIM by 54.77%, and improves the COLORFUL by 29.09% compared to the basic CycleGAN network model, and compared to the suboptimal AdaAttN model, the computation rises by 0.93%, but PSNR improves by 7.36%, SSIM improves by 7.14%, and COLORFUL improves by 17.30%. Comparative experimental results show that the proposed CandyCycleGAN network can achieve the optimal effect of high brightness, low saturation, and low contrast of candy color compared to the existing algorithms, which further validates the effectiveness of the algorithm.


CandyCycleGAN; Candy color; color verification; multiscale fusion; CycleGAN

Cite This Paper

Shisong Zhu, Mei Xu, Bibo Lu, Huan Xu. CandyCycleGAN: Candy Color Coloring Algorithm Based on Chromaticity Verification. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2023), Vol. 6, Issue 13: 196-207. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2023.061327.


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