Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2018, 1(1); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.020001.
SHI Yaochen1, LI Zhanguo2, LIN Dan3, LI Qinghua1
1 Changchun University, Changchun, 130022, China.
2 Changchun University of technology, Changchun, 130022, China.
3 Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, 130022, China.
This study treats the synchronizer gear hub gear extrusion machining process for J6L medium truck. The CA6140 lathe has been reformed into a gear extrusion machine and the experimental research about the gear extrusion plastic forming processing has been did. The tooth surface roughness and hardness after the gear extruding process under the given process parameters had also been analyzed. The experimental results showed that the surface roughness had been improved after the gear extruding processing, and the tooth surface hardness was became higher compare with the original tooth surface. It is obviously that the gear extrusion machining process can improve the tooth surface quality of the gear hub and get a better process result.
Synchronizer gear hub; Gear extrusion machining process; The tooth surface roughness and hardness
SHI Yaochen, LI Zhanguo, LIN Dan, LI Qinghua. Experimental Study on Gear Extrusion Machining Process of Gearbox Synchronizer Gear Hub. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2018) Vol. 1: 1-8.
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