Frontiers in Sport Research, 2024, 6(2); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2024.060203.
Lei Li
Sichuan Minzu College, Kangding, China
The number of CBA viewers is increasing. The importance of CBA viewer satisfaction is self-evident. Audience is the lifeline of sports events, and their support and satisfaction directly affect the atmosphere of the game, ratings, box office revenues, and the interest of sponsors. This paper searches for related literature through the literature method, and the main purpose is to find out the influencing factors affecting CBA audience satisfaction through literature. The study shows that the influencing factors of CBA viewer satisfaction mainly include two aspects of viewing motivation and game service quality.
CBA audience, satisfaction, influencing factors
Lei Li. A Study of Factors Influencing CBA Audience Satisfaction. Frontiers in Sport Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 2: 20-24.
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