Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2018, 1(1); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.020002.
Yingshu Sun, Songlin Duan
School of mechanical and electrical engineering, Shandong University of science and technology, Qingdao 266590, PR China
Advanced manufacturing technology (advanced manufacturing technique, acronym AMT, specifically refers to the technology equipment and system which are produced by the integration of mechanical engineering technology electronic technology automation technology information technology and so on. Mainly include: computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, integrated manufacturing systems. Advanced manufacturing technology is not a process method of a single processing process, but it spans many disciplines and encompasses all the relevant technologies throughout the entire product life cycle, from product design, processing and manufacturing to product sales and customer service. Involved in design, process, processing automation, management and special processing and other areas, and gradually integration and integration. And advanced manufacturing technology mainly includes the following three technology groups: (1) Main technology group: is the core of manufacturing technology, it includes two basic parts: related product design technology and process technology. (2) Support technology group: A. Information technology: interface and communication, database technology, integration framework, software engineering artificial intelligence, expert system and neural network, decision support system. Standards and frameworks: data standards, product definition standards, process standards, inspection standards, interface frameworks. C. Machine tools and tools technology. D. D. Sensor and control technology: single machining unit and process control, actuator, sensor and sensor combination, production scheduling. Others; (3) Manufacturing technology infrastructure. Elements include training and education of workshop workers, engineers and managers in various advanced production technologies and programs.
Manufacturing, Computer aided Design and Manufacturing, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Flexible Manufacturing, numerical control technique
Yingshu Sun, Songlin Duan. Automated Manufacturing Technology. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2018) Vol. 1: 9-21.
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