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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2024, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2024.060305.

Research on the leading position of procuratorial organs in the process of applying the leniency system of guilty plea


Lu Tiandi

Corresponding Author:
Lu Tiandi

School of Humanities and Law, Zhejiang A & F University, Hangzhou, China


In 2018, the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China revised and improved for the third time the relevant provisions on the application of the leniency system of guilty plea in criminal cases, making it clear that procuratorial organs lead cases of leniency of guilty plea from the procedural and substantive levels. However, in this process, it is also difficult to guarantee judicial fairness and the conflict between public prosecution and trial power, so it is necessary to strengthen the coordination and communication between the court and the procuratorial organ, and build a corresponding supervision mechanism. This paper mainly focuses on the analysis and discussion of the leading position of procuratorial organs in the process of applying the leniency system of guilty plea.


Procuratorial organs; Guilty plea; Sentencing recommendations; Dominant position

Cite This Paper

Lu Tiandi. Research on the leading position of procuratorial organs in the process of applying the leniency system of guilty plea. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 3: 26-30. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2024.060305.


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