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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2024, 6(4); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2024.060410.

Reflections on the Progress of Green Consumption within the Sharing Economy


Jiang Qiang

Corresponding Author:
Jiang Qiang

Zhejiang Yuexiu University, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China


The sharing economy, which has emerged with the rise of the Internet, is considered a new economic trend with revolutionary implications. The sharing economy effectively allocates idle resources and surplus labor through online platforms, ensuring accurate distribution based on demand to maximize resource utilization. Through the sharing economy, social resources are utilized more efficiently, resulting in a significant reduction in resource consumption, continuous enhancement of environmental benefits, and promotion of green consumption. Therefore, the sharing economy plays a pivotal role in creating a more sustainable economy.


collaborative economy; sustainable consumption; technological advancements; data protection

Cite This Paper

Jiang Qiang. Reflections on the Progress of Green Consumption within the Sharing Economy. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 4: 67-72. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2024.060410.


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