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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2024, 6(4); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2024.060414.

Automatic Pricing and Replenishment Decision of Vegetable Commodities Based on ARIMA—Nonlinear Modeling


Yanzhi Hua1, Xuan Yang2, Suo Liang1

Corresponding Author:
Yanzhi Hua

1School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, 541004, China

2School of Computer Science and Information Security, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, 541004, China


Vegetables have a short freshness period and are easy to deteriorate, and fresh food supermarkets need to develop reasonable replenishment and pricing strategies in order to improve profitability. In order to analyze the time distribution pattern and interrelationship of various types of vegetable sales and give the optimal replenishment and pricing strategy, this paper firstly analyzes the correlation between various types of vegetable sales by using the spearman correlation coefficient, and the results show that the correlation between sales of leafy and eggplant vegetables is weak only. Then using the elbow rule to determine the vegetable single product sales can be divided into four categories, and k-mean clustering to analyze the time series relationship between the total sales of each cluster. Finally, this paper establishes ARIMA to predict the total daily replenishment of each type of vegetables in the coming week based on the time-order relationship and establishes Nonlinear optimization model based on the prediction results, taking the profit maximization of the superstore as the goal, introduces the demand elasticity improvement model, and ultimately gives the optimal daily replenishment of each vegetable category in the coming week and the pricing strategy, and solves for the maximum total profit of ¥10335.23 .


Elbow Rule, K-means Clustering, Arima, Demand Elasticity, Nonlinear Optimization

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Yanzhi Hua, Xuan Yang, Suo Liang. Automatic Pricing and Replenishment Decision of Vegetable Commodities Based on ARIMA—Nonlinear Modeling. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 4: 91-96. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2024.060414.


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