Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2024, 7(3); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2024.070307.
Shukun Wu, Zhongdong Wang, Zihan Yu, Xiangxin Li, Jianhao Lin, Zhensong Chen
School of Mathematics & Computer Science, Guangxi Science & Technology Normal University, Laibin, China
Deadlock refers to the phenomenon that the system cannot work normally due to the interaction of more than two processes. In the modern operating system, the complexity, application difficulty and the range of participants of the system are getting higher and higher, so the detection and removal technology of deadlock is becoming more and more important. This paper reviews the basic technology, application status and shortcomings of deadlock detection and removal, and makes a preliminary prediction for the future development.
Deadlock, Detection, Cancellation, Overview, Expectation
Shukun Wu, Zhongdong Wang, Zihan Yu, Xiangxin Li, Jianhao Lin, Zhensong Chen. Application Prospect of Deadlock Detection and Removal Technology in Modern Operating System. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 3: 48-53.
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