Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2024, 7(3); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2024.070317.
Tengjiao Liu
School of Art and Design, Xi’an Fanyi University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710105, China
In recent years, affected by the hot development of information technology, big data technology has been fully expanded, and wireless sensor networks, which are popular with their own characteristics, have also ushered in vigorous development. Based on the current emphasis on the public environment, the use of wireless sensor networks to locate the details of the environment has the most fundamental and important impact on the artistic design of the environment. Designs that conform to the concept of environmental development are more in line with public expectations. Based on this, this article proposes a wireless sensor network-based public environment for buildings. Environmental positioning research explores the development of intelligent building environment. This article mainly discusses the application technology of wireless sensor positioning system, and compares the modified positioning algorithm with other positioning algorithms. Under the same acquisition conditions and under the same number of samples, explore the difference in positioning errors. A hybrid positioning system based on multiple positioning algorithms is proposed, and comparative experiments are carried out to obtain experimental results, which can highlight the effectiveness of the results. The experimental results in this paper show that the area judgment of the TOA internal area is very good, with an accuracy rate of 100%; the accuracy rate of the key areas of the corridor is 89%. When the wrong area discrimination occurs in the key area of the corridor, it will cause the time delay of the positioning mode switch. The main influence factor is the interference of the door and wall to the key area range, indicating that more attention should be paid to it in the measurement.
Wireless Sensors, Public Environment, Intelligent Building Monitoring, Artistic Design Positioning
Tengjiao Liu. The Application of Wireless Sensor Network in Public Environment Art Design. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 3: 116-128.
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