International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2024, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2024.060304.
Wang Zhengkai, Liu Ailing, Wang Yu, Lv Xinge
University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan, China
This paper details a unique design of a changeable liner fitness washing machine for dormitory use, which innovatively combines daily laundry with fitness activities, aiming to improve people's quality of life and health. The design breaks the boundaries between traditional fitness equipment and home appliances by utilizing a human-powered system that allows users to perform full-body aerobic exercises while doing laundry. Through the elaboration of the background and objectives of the product design, it shows the innovation and practicability of the product in solving the problems of lack of exercise and time-consuming laundry of modern people. It further introduces the core concept of the design, i.e. the combination of reverse thinking and innovative practice, and how to achieve the goals of energy saving, emission reduction and green life through structural design, function optimization and intelligent control. In addition, the main phases, challenges and achievements of the project implementation are outlined, and the design is expected to have a bright future in promoting home intelligence and environmentally friendly and healthy living.
fitness washing machine for dormitory; interchangeable inner liner; energy saving and emission reduction; green and efficient; reverse thinking; innovative design; human-driven; whole-body aerobic exercise
Wang Zhengkai, Liu Ailing, Wang Yu, Lv Xinge. The Design of the Interchangeable Liner Fitness Washing Machine for Dorm Rooms. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 3: 27-32.
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