International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2024, 8(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.2024.080204.
Zhuojing Liu, Liting Li, Yunting Yang, Daijun Xie, Dan Ni
Xiamen Huaxia University, Xiamen, 361024, China
This article first constructs an evaluation index system for the level of modern logistics development. Then, the principal component comprehensive evaluation method was used to calculate the modern logistics development level of 8 countries, and the weights of each indicator were determined using BP neural network. Finally, a comprehensive comparison was made between the development levels of modern logistics in 8 countries. Through comparison, it is found that: firstly, although there is a gap in the development level of modern logistics in China compared to Japan, this gap is gradually narrowing, with the smallest gap between China and Japan in 2019. Secondly, China's modern logistics development level is higher than that of the United States, and the gap with China is showing a trend of increasing year by year.
Development Level of Logistics, Evaluation Index System, Principal Component Comprehensive Evaluation Method, BP Neural Network
Zhuojing Liu, Liting Li, Yunting Yang, Daijun Xie, Dan Ni. Joint principal component analysis and BP neural network to measure the development level of modern logistics in China. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2024) Vol.8, Issue 2: 23-27.
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