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International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/IJFM.2024.060512.

Meta-analysis of postoperative analgesia and adverse reactions of low anterior serratus plane block in patients undergoing renal surgery


Yang Xue, Liang Yu, Gong Gu

Corresponding Author:
Gong Gu

Department of Anesthesiology, The General Hospital of Western Theater Command, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610083, China


The purpose of this paper is to compare the effects of low anterior serratus block combined with general anesthesia and general anesthesia alone on postoperative analgesia and adverse reactions in patients undergoing renal surgery through a meta-analysis. The computer system searched Pubmed, Embase, CochraneLibrary, WebofScience, CNKI, Wanfang and VIP databases to collect the published studies on the effects of low anterior serratus block combined with general anesthesia on postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing renal surgery. RevMan5.3 was used to summarize and analyze the collected data. A total of 220 patients were included in 4 randomized controlled trials (RCTS), including 110 patients in the experimental group and 110 patients in the control group. Compared with the Control group, the experimental group showed a significant decrease at the resting pain scores at 1h after surgery (MD=-1.78, 95% CI -2.28~ -1.27, P<0.00001), at 6 hours after surgery (MD=-1.99, 95% CI -2.27~ -1.70, P<0.00001) , at 12 hours after surgery (MD=-2.07, 95% CI -2.33~ -1.82, P<0.00001) , at 24 hours after surgery (MD=-0.76, 95% CI -0.95~ -0.57, P<0.00001), at 48 hours after surgery (MD=-1.01, 95% CI -1.25~ -0.77, P<0.00001), the amount of remifentanil used during the operation,(MD=-173.97, 95% CI -224.78~ -123.76, P<0.00001), and the incidence of nausea and vomiting (MD=0.13, 95% CI 0.04~ 0.42, P=0.0005) . There was no significant difference between the two groups in the amount of propofol used during the operation (MD=-47.42, 95% CI -106.71~ -11.87, P=0.12). The selection of low anterior serratus block as the postoperative analgesic method for patients undergoing renal operation can provide good analgesic effect.


Ultrasound; low anterior serratus block; renal surgery; analgesia; Meta analysis

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Yang Xue, Liang Yu, Gong Gu. Meta-analysis of postoperative analgesia and adverse reactions of low anterior serratus plane block in patients undergoing renal surgery. International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 5: 90-96. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFM.2024.060512.


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