Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2024, 7(3); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2024.070319.
Haibin Li
Xinjiang Changji Vocational and Technical College, 8 Xingye Avenue, Changji High-tech Development Zone, Changji, Xinjiang, 831100, China
Aiming at the problem of energy management of range-extended electric vehicles, this paper first analyzes the structural char-acteristics of range-extended electric vehicles, and then comprehensively considers the operating conditions of range-extended electric vehicles, and proposes a multi-parameter energy management control strategy. The effectiveness of the control strategy is verified by simulation. Finally, the control parameters are optimized by the multi-objective genetic optimization algorithm (NSGA-II). The optimization results show that the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers of the vehicle is reduced by 5.2% under the premise of meeting the driving range requirements. NOx emissions remained largely unchanged, but CO-emissions were reduced by 2.5% and HC emissions decreased by 2%. The economy of the whole vehicle has been improved to a certain extent.
range extended vehicle, energy management system, optimization
Haibin Li. Research and optimization of energy management strategies for range-extended electric vehicles. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 3: 137-145.
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