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Frontiers in Art Research, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2024.060504.

Current situation and strategy construction of art teachers' ability improvement under the guidance of new curriculum standards


Lilin Chen

Corresponding Author:
Lilin Chen

Department of Dance, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China


In order to fulfill the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and promoting quality education, the Ministry of Education of China issued the Art Course Standards for Compulsory Education in 2022, which has had a significant impact on art education in primary and secondary schools. Currently, primary and secondary school art education faces problems such as outdated teacher concepts, insufficient understanding of the comprehensiveness of the art curriculum, a tendency towards specialization in the curriculum, and a relatively backward evaluation system. Art teachers are the implementers and guides of art education. Under the background of the new curriculum standards, effective art education in primary and secondary schools requires the improvement of art teachers' capabilities, including the transformation of art education values, the enhancement of comprehensive art knowledge and skills, the improvement of teaching ability, and the enhancement of the ability to design and evaluate the curriculum. This paper analyzes the current situation of art education and combines the needs of the new curriculum standards to propose the capabilities that art teachers need to improve and the mechanism for building art teachers' capabilities.


Art Teachers; New Curriculum Standards; Capability Enhancement

Cite This Paper

Lilin Chen. Current situation and strategy construction of art teachers' ability improvement under the guidance of new curriculum standards. Frontiers in Art Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 5: 24-29. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2024.060504.


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