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Frontiers in Art Research, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2024.060509.

A Study on Wedding Music of the Hani Kaduo Subgroup in Mojiang County


Li Xiaoying

Corresponding Author:
Li Xiaoying

Kunming University of Arts and Sciences, Kunming, China, 650500


The Hani ethnic group is a people with profound cultural heritage. In the daily life of the Hani ethnic group, music is indispensable for festivals, weddings, funerals, house building, and moving. The Hani ethnic group have various marriage customs. The traditional rituals such as proposing and betrothal are similar among different subgroupes, but the "Olive Wedding" of the Kaduo subgroup is unique. The wedding music, such as the "Crying Bride Song", the "Red Bag Tune", and the "Bridegroom Welcome Tune," is particularly memorable. This article will focus on the music involved in the wedding process of the Kaduo subgroup as the research basis. It will analyze this wedding music from the perspectives of the geographical characteristics of Kaduo subgroup's lives, the manifestations, characteristics, and functions of wedding music, aiming to interpret the music at Kaduo weddings.


Hani ethnic group, Kaduo subgroup, wedding music

Cite This Paper

Li Xiaoying. A Study on Wedding Music of the Hani Kaduo Subgroup in Mojiang County. Frontiers in Art Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 5: 52-57. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2024.060509.


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