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Frontiers in Sport Research, 2024, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2024.060327.

Innovative Practices for Synergizing Research and Teaching in Physical Education


Zhouliang Qiu1, Yibo Wang2, Yu Sang2, Fang Xu2

Corresponding Author:
Fang Xu

1Department of Physical Education, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

2Sino-German College, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China


This paper explores innovative practices that merge research and teaching in higher education physical education (PE) departments to enhance pedagogical strategies and student outcomes. Through a review of literature and qualitative case studies across various institutions, this study identifies effective methodologies that integrate research into teaching paradigms. Key findings include the development of research-based teaching modules that engage students actively, making them participants in their learning process. These modules not only incorporate the latest sports science findings but also foster improved student motivation and understanding. The study also underscores the importance of collaborative projects between faculty and students, which cultivate critical thinking and innovation. Additionally, it discusses the institutional benefits of aligning research and teaching, such as increased funding opportunities and enhanced faculty development, while also highlighting the challenges of resource allocation and the need for continuous faculty training. Strategic recommendations for PE departments include establishing policies to balance research and teaching, promoting interdisciplinary projects, and leveraging technology for education. These practices aim to improve teaching effectiveness and contribute to the scholarly community, reinforcing the role of teacher-scholars in higher education.


Physical Education (PE), Research and Teaching Integration, Collaborative Projects

Cite This Paper

Zhouliang Qiu, Yibo Wang, Yu Sang, Fang Xu. Innovative Practices for Synergizing Research and Teaching in Physical Education. Frontiers in Sport Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 3: 186-191. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSR.2024.060327.


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