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International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine, 2024, 6(6); doi: 10.25236/IJFM.2024.060601.

Study on the Influence and Optimization of Household Hydration Mesotherapy Technology on Skin Penetration


Lamp Liu1, Vera Zhang2

Corresponding Author:
Vera Zhang

1Company of Swiss GEMO, Lausanne, 1005, Switzerland

2Company of Swiss GEMO, Shanghai, 200009, China


As household hydration mesotherapy technology enters a new era, the beauty and skincare field faces a new stage of high-quality development. This paper mainly focuses on the deep coupling of household hydration mesotherapy technology and skin penetration theory. It discusses the interaction between household hydration mesotherapy equipment, penetration promotion methods, skin physiology, and the impact of market trends on the direction of technology research and development. The study points out that as users’ demand for the convenience of hydration mesotherapy increases, hydration mesotherapy technology in household scenes is becoming a development trend. The article also compares the differences between household hydration mesotherapy and hospital hydration mesotherapy, including technology, equipment, formula, user requirements, and risks. It points out the advantages of household hydration mesotherapy in terms of convenience and cost-effectiveness. At the same time, this paper discusses the risk factors caused by technical limitations, such as equipment performance stability, operator skill proficiency, and product component adaptability. It proposes technical innovation and regulatory strategies for the beauty industry to meet these challenges. Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of returning to the essence of skin health and rationally guides the application of household hydration mesotherapy technology to achieve high-quality development and meet users’ needs.


Household hydration mesotherapy technology; Skin penetration; Beauty skincare; Technological innovation; Regulatory strategy

Cite This Paper

Lamp Liu, Vera Zhang. Study on the Influence and Optimization of Household Hydration Mesotherapy Technology on Skin Penetration. International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 6: 1-8. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFM.2024.060601.


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