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Frontiers in Art Research, 2024, 6(6); doi: 10.25236/FAR.2024.060609.

Art Management in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities


Zhenxing Tian

Corresponding Author:
Zhenxing Tian

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 3010, Australia


This paper explores the challenges and opportunities faced by art management in the Digital Era. Firstly, the development of digital technology has made digitization of art and digital exhibitions possible, expanding the channels for art dissemination and enhancing the audience's sense of participation. Secondly, the application of digital currency and blockchain technology in art trading provides a safer and more transparent means of trading for the market, promoting the healthy development of the art market. The construction of a digital management system provides stronger data support for art institutions, helping them manage artworks and operations more efficiently. In terms of creation, digital painting tools and virtual reality technology have created new ways of expression and more immersive experiences for artists. However, art management in the Digital Era also faces challenges such as technological updates and data privacy, requiring managers to flexibly adjust their strategies. Overall, art management in the Digital Era presents a trend of diversity and innovation, and the rational application of digital technology will bring broader development opportunities to the entire art ecosystem.


Digital Era; Art management; Art ecosystem

Cite This Paper

Zhenxing Tian. Art Management in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities. Frontiers in Art Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 6: 56-61. https://doi.org/10.25236/FAR.2024.060609.


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