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Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2024, 7(8); doi: 10.25236/AJHSS.2024.070823.

A Study of Medical Insurance Negotiation from the Perspective of Pragmatic Identity Construction


Ying Jin

Corresponding Author:
Ying Jin

School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China


This paper conducts an analysis of the medical insurance negotiation dialogues in China ranging from 2019 to 2023, utilizing the framework of identity construction theory. The objective is to delineate the identity of negotiators within the Chinese Medical Insurance Administration and to offer overarching conclusions and insights that may contribute to the success of future medical insurance negotiations. Specifically, the study aims to explore the identities that are constructed by the negotiators of the Chinese Medical Insurance Administration during their interactions with foreign pharmaceutical companies, as well as the linguistic practices through which these identities are established in the context of complex medical insurance negotiations. Ultimately, this research seeks to provide valuable assistance for forthcoming medical insurance negotiations.


Linguistics; Identity Construction; Chinese Medical Insurance Negotiation

Cite This Paper

Ying Jin. A Study of Medical Insurance Negotiation from the Perspective of Pragmatic Identity Construction. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 8: 144-148. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJHSS.2024.070823.


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