Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2024, 7(5); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2024.070516.
Yingqi Liu1, Ziting Xu2
1Houston International Institute, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, 116026, China
2School of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 610000, China
The micro-Doppler (MD) effect is an important feature in radar-based unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) detection, as it is generated by rotating structures, namely the blades. In this paper, the MD effect of rotating blades is studied based on signal simulations. By discretizing the blades into cells, the influence of bandwidth, number of blades, blade length, and rotation speed on MD effect is investigated. Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) is adopted to search for the time-frequency relationship of a certain range cell and extract the time-frequency features. The results show that increasing the bandwidth improves the resolution of the target while increasing the number of blades makes the spectrogram more complex because more information is required. The rotational speed is a prominent factor affecting the MD signature, with an increase in rotational speed producing significant periodicity with an increase in frequency shift, but the blade length has less effect on the MD signature, and the results obtained from simulations do not vary significantly for the three blade lengths. This paper provides essential theoretical and experimental references for parameter optimization for target identification in radar-based UAV detecting systems.
Micro-Doppler effect, radar UAV detection, Short Time Fourier Transform
Yingqi Liu, Ziting Xu. Analysis of micro-Doppler effect on rotating blades for radar-based UAV detection. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 5: 123-129.
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