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Frontiers in Sport Research, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2024.060519.

Research on the Traditional Core Area Strength Training Method of Taijiquan


Guo Mengjiao, Sun Jinyong, Gong Youwu

Corresponding Author:
Guo Mengjiao

Department of Physical Education, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, 201306, China


Taijiquan Chuan stands as a gem of traditional Chinese martial arts, having evolved over centuries to develop a distinctive theoretical framework and training methodology. Core strength is pivotal to the techniques of Taijiquan Chuan, with its intensity and stability directly influencing the application of techniques and the harmonization of body and mind. Traditional Taijiquan Chuan core strength training methods, such as standing postures, push hands, equipment training, and form practice, not only embody ancient martial wisdom but also demonstrate their efficacy in enhancing physical balance, stability, and power transmission through practical application. This article analyzes and summarizes traditional core strength training methods and their applications in Taijiquan Chuan, integrating modern training concepts to propose scientifically effective training measures. It aims to provide both theoretical and practical references for Taijiquan enthusiasts and instructors. The study seeks to explore the effectiveness of traditional strength training methods and their potential applications in contemporary health and competitive arenas, fostering the inheritance and innovation of Taijiquan Chuan training techniques.


Taijiquan; core area strength; traditional training methods

Cite This Paper

Guo Mengjiao, Sun Jinyong, Gong Youwu. Research on the Traditional Core Area Strength Training Method of Taijiquan. Frontiers in Sport Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 5: 121-125. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSR.2024.060519.


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