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Frontiers in Sport Research, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2024.060525.

Simulation Analysis of Optimal Modeling of Tennis Serve Image Path Based on Deep Learning


Yule Cai1, Jie Guan1, Jie Cai2

Corresponding Author:
Jie Cai

1College of Physical Education, South West University, Beibei, Chongqing, 400700, China

2College of Physical Education and Health, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541000, China


With the continuous development of economy, people have more and more choices for recreation and leisure, and tennis has become one of the chosen sports, especially in recent years, the booming development of tennis in China has driven a large number of people to contact tennis. In tennis, the serve occupies a crucial position, so this paper aims to use deep learning technology to study the path of tennis serve images, detect the moving objects from the images, extract the key parts of the action, obtain the relevant information during the movement, conduct a multi-level and scientific study of the serve action, and provide a basis for tennis serve training. This paper proposes to conduct experiments on tennis serve technology using literature method, video observation, comparative analysis and deep learning technology to investigate the serve position, serve action and serve route of sportsmen, and the experimental results show that the height of the ball leaving the hand should maintain a ratio of 0.98 to the height, the instantaneous speed of the ball leaving the hand should reach 4.79m/s, and the minimum angle of the elbow joint in holding the racket should be best maintained at 41°or so, and the angle of the racket-holding elbow joint at the time of action acceptance should preferably be around 112°.


Deep Learning, Tennis Serve, Serving Technique, Path Optimization

Cite This Paper

Yule Cai, Jie Guan, Jie Cai. Simulation Analysis of Optimal Modeling of Tennis Serve Image Path Based on Deep Learning. Frontiers in Sport Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 5: 157-164. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSR.2024.060525.


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