Frontiers in Sport Research, 2020, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2020.020204.
Jiayao Li 1, Xiaoqian Wang 2
1. Datong University School of Physical Education, Shanxi 030008, China
2. Taiyuan Institute of Technology, Shanxi 030008, China
Athletic injury of ankle joint is a common sport injury in training and competition. With the rapid development of medical research in China, more and more medical workers use Chinese herbal medicine to treat athletic injury of ankle joint, and ha ve achieved good results. The treatment of Chinese herbal medicine has external Chinese herbal medicine, internal Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese herbal fumigation and washing. Taking Chinese herbal fumigation and washing as an example, the patients were divided into two groups (A-contrast group and B-intervention group) to compare and analyse, and it was found that Chinese herbal fumigation and washing had a good effect on athletic injury of ankle joint.
Chinese herbal medicine; Ankle injury; Athletic injury; Tcm therapy
Jiayao Li, Xiaoqian Wang. A Case Study on Chinese Herbal Medicine in the treatment of athletic injury of ankle joint. Frontiers in Sport Research (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 2: 11-13.
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