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International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine, 2020, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/IJFM.2020.020207.

Study on the Effectiveness of Exercise Posture Therapy for Cervical Spine Curvature Abnormality


Xin Zhang1,*, Xinyue Li2 and Lijuan Cong3,*

Corresponding Author:
Xin Zhang and Lijuan Cong

1Departmentof SportsDance, Guangzhou SportUniversity, Guangzhou 510500, China
2Guangdong Xin Miao Scoliosis Prevention Center, Guangzhou 510500, China
3Departmentofsportsandart, ShantouUniversityMedicalCollege,Shantou 515041,China

*Corresponding author e-mail:[email protected]


In this paper, 100 patients with abnormal cervical curvature were randomly selected from the patients with abnormal cervical curvature of Guangdong Xinmiao Scoliosis Prevention Center by investigating the effectiveness of exercise posture therapy on cervical abnormal curvature. They were divided into a control group and an experiment. Group, 100 patients in the experimental group underwent X-ray film angle measurement, and randomly selected 50 teaching-related sports postures for treatment. The results showed that the cervical spine physiological curvature was abnormal at the initial diagnosis. After three months of exercise posture treatment, 38 patients had obvious symptoms, and the symptoms of the remaining 12 patients gradually improved after six months. Therefore, it can be considered that posture therapy can be an effective treatment method for correcting abnormal curvature of the human cervical spine and can achieve long-term stable effects.


Abnormal cervical curvature, exercise posture therapy, effectiveness

Cite This Paper

Xin Zhang, Xinyue Li and Lijuan Cong. Study on the Effectiveness of Exercise Posture Therapy for Cervical Spine Curvature Abnormality. International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine (2020), Vol. 2, Issue 2: 58-67. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFM.2020.020207.


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