International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2020, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2020.020201.
Meng Zhiguo1, Jiang Lin2 and Liu Yuguo1
1 School of Information Technology, Guangdong Industry Polytechnic, Guangzhou 510300,China
2 School of Foreign Language, Guangdong Industry Polytechnic, Guangzhou 510300,China
E-mail: [email protected]
Against a common interfere cause of the base station, measuring imbalance about engineering installation or improper adjustable, TDD multistage area stations that is covered links coverage and reverse coverage can bring about interference capacity reduction. Based on the data analysis and mode recognition, the modulation distribution system adjust downlink coverage same as the uplink coverage. GUP will set up as a gain benchmark that have not host uplink noise and have not interferes to the base station. According to the uplink gain GUP setting, the gain downward GDOWN will be set up. After tuning control multistage confrontational stand of the interference signal measurement with Game Theory, it can effectively solve the mutual interference of the transmitted power nodes under ensuring the system coverage effect, to improve the efficiency of network energy utilization, and to reduce the energy consumption of the system.
Multistage Station Interference, Mode Recognition, Optimization Testing, Game Theory
Meng Zhiguo, Jiang Lin and Liu Yuguo. Measurement and Analysis of Antagonistic Signal Based on Multistage Station Interference. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2020), Vol. 2, Issue 2: 1-15.
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