International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology, 2020, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/IJFET.2020.020204.
Kaiquan Zhou1,*
1 The Suzhou Tourism and Finance Vocational Institute,Suzhou 215104,China
*Corresponding author e-mail:[email protected]
This paper first demonstrates the negative impact of informatization on junior high school students by logical analysis: first, to increase their risk of being corrupted by bad ideas; second, to reduce their awareness and ability to deal with complex social problems; third, to reduce their interest in the real world. Then it proves the lack of sense of responsibility of junior high school students in the form of questionnaire, the current situation that the main purpose of surfing the Internet is to play games and entertainment, and the correlation between the sense of social responsibility and the awareness of using modern information tools correctly. Based on the above research, this paper draws the conclusion that modern information tools reduce junior high school students' deep cognitive ability of social responsibility, reduce the opportunity of junior high school students' deep contact with the real world, and the bad ideas transmitted have a negative impact on junior high school students' Outlook on life and values, and proposes to combine modern information tools with social practice and school education to innovate junior high school students' society The methods, ways and carriers of the cultivation of sense of responsibility, and the suggestions of enhancing the media literacy education.
Informatization; Social responsibility; Media literacy
Kaiquan Zhou. Analysis on the Cultivation of Junior High School Students' Sense of Social Responsibility under the Background of Information Technology. International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology (2020), Vol. 2, Issue 2: 40-49.
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