Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2018, 1(1); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.020006.
Zhiru Yang, Chongchong Zhu and Nan Zheng
School of Mechanical Engineering,Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
Droplet Impact Simulation is a vital way to investigate the liquid and superhydrophobic surface properties of materials. In this examination, the droplet are investigated chiefly dependent on the Cassie state and the Wenzel state. The VOF method is utilized for numerical reproduction to research the instrument of the droplet's effect on the finished surface and to present a basic and viable strategy to figure Contact edge to indicate surface hydrophobicity. The reenactment results demonstrate that the surface hydrophobicity can be adequately enhanced by planning distinctive smaller scale surface on the hydrophilic surface. With the expansion of speed, the consistent state contact edge of the finished surface is clearly diminished. What's more, by quantitatively examining the development of droplets on the miniaturized scale finished surface, it is discovered that the consistent state contact edge is identified with the base spreading width of the main droplet after effect, and the littler the distance across, the bigger the contact point.
Patterned surface, impact simulation, steady-state contact angle, hydrophobic, patterned surfaces
Zhiru Yang, Chongchong Zhu and Nan Zheng. Droplet Impact Simulation of Hydrophobic Patterned Surfaces by Computed Fluid Dynamics. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2018) Vol. 1: 49-55.
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