Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2020, 1(1); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2020.010112.
Jiaying (Jessie) Hao
Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy, Shanghai, 200233, China
Chinese citizens have demonstrated increasing awareness towards oral health in recent decades. This leads to greater demand for dental services and potential shortages of dental supplies. Compared to developed countries, there is still a huge potential for the Chinese Dental Industry. Detailed situation and practices of Chinese Dental Industry is not clear yet.
METHODS :An online interview through WeChat was conducted with my cousin, who has been working as a professional local dentist in a private hospital in Shanghai, China for five years to illustrate the general picture of the Chinese Dental Industry. Questions from multiple dimensions were asked regarding her occupation and practice, including issues before, during, and after she diagnoses her patients, her previous experience related to medical field, and her own reflections towards the occupation. After her response was collected, analysis including graphs and tables was conducted.
RESULTS :Common dental problems for people with more dental concerns (age 8-18, and greater than 45) varied. In addition, even for those who were diagnosed with similar dental problems, the causes of their problems might be different, so the treatments they received were personalized. From an occupational perspective, occupational stress and salaries are the biggest issues faced by dentists, even for those who have high qualifications.
CONCLUSIONS :This research analyzes the status of Chinese Dental Industry and the problems it faces. Yet it still leaves space for further improvements. For instance, more comprehensive sets of information will be available if expanding on the number of dentists interviewed. In addition, future researches could compare the practices among public and private clinics since they are both important parts of Chinese Dental Industry together.
Chinese Dental Industry, Dental Caries, Tooth loss, Occupational Stress, Public Health
Jiaying (Jessie) Hao. An analysis of the situation and practices of the Chinese Dental Industry through an interview with a local dentist. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2020) Vol. 1, Issue 1: 73-79.
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