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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2020, 2(7); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2020.020711.

Construction and Practice of Curriculum System of Mechanical and Electrical Specialty in Colleges and Universities


Zuocai Dai*, Tongguang Yang, Zhiliang Huang, Li Zhou, Yanpeng Wang, Jianan Liu

Corresponding Author:
Zuocai Dai

College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hunan City University, Yiyang City, 413002, China
*Corresponding author


At present, China is in the critical period of transformation from a big manufacturing country to a manufacturing power. The production and manufacturing of all kinds of high-tech products are inseparable from mechanical and electrical technology. The shortage of high-quality mechanical and electrical professionals is a prominent problem in the current industrial upgrading. As the main link of talent transportation, colleges and universities should timely reform and optimize the construction of the existing curriculum system. Therefore, this paper puts forward the construction and practice of curriculum system of mechanical and electrical specialty in Colleges and universities. This paper makes an in-depth study on the current curriculum system of mechanical and electrical majors in Colleges and universities. The analysis shows that in the current talent training mode, there are typical problems such as emphasizing theory and neglecting practice, backward curriculum setting and lack of practical application. In view of these problems, this paper puts forward the optimization and improvement measures, through the establishment of mechanical and electrical professional teaching system, dynamic adjustment according to the professional positioning changes, improving the degree of attention to the practice of the assessment of the curriculum system, as well as put forward the guarantee measures of the practice teaching curriculum system, to construct a complete set of mechanical and electrical professional curriculum system in Colleges and universities. The main purpose of the system is to cultivate practical ability, at the same time, it takes into account the study of theoretical knowledge, strengthens the professional quality of students, broadens the coverage of knowledge, and improves the ability to solve practical problems in production and manufacturing.


Mechanical and Electrical Major, Major in Mechatronics, Curriculum System, Reform in Education

Cite This Paper

Zuocai Dai, Tongguang Yang, Zhiliang Huang, Li Zhou, Yanpeng Wang, Jianan Liu. Construction and Practice of Curriculum System of Mechanical and Electrical Specialty in Colleges and Universities. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2020), Vol. 2, Issue 7: 92-100. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2020.020711.


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