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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2020, 2(15); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2020.021503.

Research on investment degree of social security construction in each district of Hefei City


Xia Junjie1, Wang Jiake2, Ling Ruichao1

Corresponding Author:
Xia Junjie

1 School of Management of Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Finance and Economic, Bengbu 233030, China
2 School of Accounting, Anhui University of Finance and Economic, Bengbu 233030, China
*Corresponding Author


This paper studies the investment degree of social security construction in each region of Hefei through three analytical methods. This paper first constructs an evaluation index system of financial input in social security construction, which includes 11 evaluation indexes. Then descriptive statistics and factor analysis are used to comprehensively evaluate the investment degree of social security construction in each district of Hefei city. The conclusion shows that there are obvious differences in the financial input of each district in Hefei, and the input of each district has the short board effect, so we should pay more attention to and strengthen the input of the overall social security construction of each district in the urban characteristic construction.


social security construction, Hefei city, descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, comprehensive evaluation

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Jialin Liu, Xiaowei Liang. Research on investment degree of social security construction in each district of Hefei City. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 15: 17-26. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2020.021503.


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