Frontiers in Sport Research, 2020, 2(7); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2020.020704.
BAI Rong, DEli Geer.
College of Physical Education, Inner Mongolia Normal University. Hohhot, 010022, China
Objective:Study the sensitive age of the physical fitness of Chinese Han and minority students, and the development characteristics of the sensitive period. Provide data support for optimizing the physical education curriculum of Chinese children and adolescents, provide scientific basis for improving the physical fitness of young people, and provide theoretical basis for the selection of young athletes. Methods: Using the calculation method of Deng Huayuan and Deng Shuzhen, this method is: the average annual growth rate plus half the standard deviation of the annual growth rate. Use this method to calculate the critical value of the sensitive period of the physical fitness of male and female students of various nationalities, and the age of the sensitive period. Then the ethnic differences in various indicators are studied to understand the development characteristics of the physical fitness of male and female students between the Han and six ethnic minorities in the 7-18 age group in China. Results:The sensitive period of male strength quality of the three ethnic groups of China, Han, Mongolian and Korean are all 12-15 years old. The sensitive period of Korean girls' strength began at the earliest (8 years old). The sensitive ages of speed quality of male and female students of various nationalities are scattered, and they all start from 8 or 9 years old. The sensitive age for speed quality of Uyghur girls is 9-10 years old, with the shortest duration. Hui, Uygur, and Tibetan boys have the longest sensitive period of explosive quality. The sensitive period of the overall endurance quality of all ethnic students starts from 8-9 years old. The sensitive ages of male muscular endurance of various ethnic groups are concentrated in 15 and 16 years old. The sensitive ages of muscular endurance for girls of various nationalities are mainly 9, 11 and 13 years old. The sensitive period of pliability of Han, Mongolian, Hui and Zhuang boys all began at the age of 13. The sensitive period of flexibility for Mongolian and Hui girls starts at the age of 11.Conclusion:The sensitive periods of various physical fitness have ethnic and gender differences, and show the characteristics of both continuous age groups and scattered age points.
Physical fitness, Sensitive periods, Students, Minority
BAI Rong, DEli Geer. Research on the Sensitive Period of Physical Fitness of Chinese Students between 7-18 Years Old Han and Six Minorities in 2014. Frontiers in Sport Research (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 7: 13-23.
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