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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2021, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2021.030113.

Obedience behavior under the Coronavirus epidemic: Personality-related obedience toward two types of authority


Qizhen Chen

Corresponding Author:
Qizhen Chen

Vanke Meisha Academy, Shenzhen 518000, China


This paper aims to study the people's obedience to different authorities and the relationship between personality and obedience in public health events, during the coronavirus outbreak in 2019-2020. In this work, agreeableness and conscientiousness are taken as the factors of personality and legitimate and expert are taken as the variables of authority. This work assumes that agreement and conscientiousness will be positively correlated with objectivity, and people's obedience to government is higher than that to experts. The different prediction results are obtained. It indicates that those who show strong consciousness and easygoing are more willing to obey the legal authority than the expert authority. However, different personalities have distinct degrees of obedience to different types of authority, and there is no correlation between them.


Coronavirus epidemic, Obedience behavior, Authority, Personality, Milgram

Cite This Paper

Qizhen Chen. Obedience behavior under the Coronavirus epidemic: Personality-related obedience toward two types of authority. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 1: 83-87. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2021.030113.


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