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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2021, 3(15); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2021.031516.

Application and Exploration of Mechanical Experiment Teaching Based on "6S" Management Concept


Shuwei Lv, Mei Yang, Shenao Guan

Corresponding Author:
Shuwei Lv

School of Mechanical Engineering, Ji Lin Engineering Normal Unversity, Changchun, China


In order to better serve the construction and development of new engineering disciplines, promote the achievement of engineering education professional certification, cultivate students' good professional quality, and integrate the "6S" management concept into the daily management of mechanical laboratories, it can not only improve teaching quality, but also gradually improve students Professional literacy to improve the market competitiveness of mechanical talents. The connotation of "6S" management, the problems existing in mechanical laboratories, and the application and exploration of "6S" management in mechanical laboratories were discussed, aiming to explore a modern management mode suitable for experimental teaching of mechanical basics in colleges and universities.


Mechanical laboratory management, "6S" management system, Experimental teaching, Student professional quality

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Shuwei Lv, Mei Yang, Shenao Guan. Application and Exploration of Mechanical Experiment Teaching Based on "6S" Management Concept. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2021), Vol. 3, Issue 15: 123-127. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2021.031516.


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