Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2021.020109.
Yangcheng Gao1, Rong Chen2, Yinqi Zhao3, Huilin Chen4
1Michigan State University, ML, USA
2Providence country day school, RI,USA
3International department of Beijing No.35 High School, Beijing, China
4Shinyway International College, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
These authors contributed equally to this work
Eurotium cristatum CY-1 was used for the solid-stated fermentation of mulberry leaves (ML) with the purpose of enhancing the alkaloids content and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of ML through microbial fermentation. The results indicated that Eurotium cristatum CY-1 grown well when cultivated with MLs as substrate. The maximum cell dry weight of 393.32 mg was reached on the 10 d of fermentation. The alkaloids content of ML was increased with the fermentation time, and the maximum value of 8.711 mg/g was obtained at 8 d of fermentation, which was increased by171.96% compared to that extracted from unfermented ML. The α-glucosidase inhibitory efficiency was also improved along with the fermentation time. The IC50 values of alkaloid extracted from 8d-fermented mulberry leaves was 3.94 μg/mL, but 6.82 μg/mL of the alkaloid extracted from the unfermented ML. Therefore, the fermentation of Eurotium cristatum could benefit for enhancing the alkaloid content and α-glucosidase inhibitory efficiency of ML. It would provide a valuable strategy for obtain safe and low-cost α-glucosidase inhibitors from natural herbal medicines.
Mulberry leaf, Eurotium cristatum, Alkaloids, α-glucosidase inhibitory, Diabetes
Yangcheng Gao, Rong Chen, Yinqi Zhao, Huilin Chen. Effect of Eurotium cristatum fermentation on the α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of mulberry leaves alkaloids. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2021) Vol. 2, Issue 1: 49-54.
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