Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2019, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.020037.
Chen Jin, Ruifang Wang, Dongmin Xi*
Electric power college, Inner Mongolia University of technology, Hohhot 010080, Inner Mongolia, China
Micro-grid is an organic whole composed of various functional modules, It is only reasonable and reliable control mode which can maintain the system under excellent operation.In this paper, photovoltaic cells are used as micro power supply, and a hybrid energy storage system is constituted by batteries and supercapacitors. There is a design of master-slave control mode based on power current double closed loop and voltage current double closed loop. The hybrid energy storage system is regarded as the main power source because of its stable output. Meanwhile, its inverter adopts V/F control mode, it is random in photovoltaic cell output power, and it adopts PQ control mode. Finally, there is a simulation model established in MATLAB/simulink. The simulation results verify that the control method can ensure the micro-grid system stably operating in the process of grid connection, off-grid and switching.
Micro-grid; Master-slave control; PQ control mode; V/F control mode
Chen Jin, Ruifang Wang, Dongmin Xi. Research on Micro-grid Control Mode. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2019) Vol. 2 Issue 2: 9-20.
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