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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2021, 3(7); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2021.030709.

Analysis of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Our Lives


Boris Hu

Corresponding Author:
Boris Hu

Bishop Amat High School, US


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer system that is developed by certain algorithms to perform different types of tasks. In recent years, the implementation of AI in different fields has made a tremendous impact on our lives and has changed the way we think and work. The host of benefits and efficiencies AI affords human society are willing to be accepted by people, but the analysis on the potential threat is inevitable to address. To find the benefits and threats of AI, I first search through online tools and come out with five questions that most people are interested in, and then find papers utilizing academic databases to summarize concepts in each paper and add additional analysis and solutions I think that answer the questions. In this poster, I introduce the applications of AI including the stages of human-robot interaction, brain-computer interface (BCI), and the purpose of smart cities with its operating components. I also analyze the threat of AI on democracy by massive surveillance and social polarization and its contribution to further inequality and creating discrimination among ethnicities and gender by biased training data. In conclusion, AI developing process should be transparent and should be restricted by certain regulations.


Artificial intelligence, Human-robot interaction, Brain-computer interface, Smart cities, Machine learning

Cite This Paper

Boris Hu. Analysis of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Our Lives. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 7: 45-50. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2021.030709.


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