Frontiers in Sport Research, 2019, 1(3); doi: 10.25236/FSR.20190301.
Chengyang Ren
Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150000, China
Under the background of “Internet +”, the popularity and application of Internet terminals are constantly influencing and changing people's lives. As a lifestyle pursued by modern people, tourism is inevitably influenced by the information revolution. As a kind of tourism, ice and snow sports tourism is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The project takes the marketing model of the ice and snow sports tourism in Heilongjiang Province as the research object, and studies its marketing model innovation under the background of “Internet +”. Based on the analysis of the current situation and integration of the ice and snow sports tourism market in Heilongjiang Province, the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, field investigation, expert consultation and other research methods are used to collect and sort out the snow sports in Heilongjiang Province. The market size, project and operation data, analyze the main problems in the marketing of ice and snow sports tourism in Heilongjiang Province, and put forward the marketing strategy of the ice and snow sports tourism in Heilongjiang Province under the background of “Internet +”, aiming to improve the snow sports in Heilongjiang Province. The competitiveness of the tourism market.
Internet +; Ice and snow sports tourism; Marketing model innovation
Chengyang Ren. Research on the Innovation of Marketing Model of Ice and Snow Sports Tourism Market in Heilongjiang Province under the Background of “Internet +”. Frontiers in Sport Research (2019) Vol. 1 Issue 3: 1-10.
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