Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2019, 2(3); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.020059.
Wang Lixiang
Southwest Petroleum University, Wanglixiang 610500, China
With the continuous improvement of China's social and economic level and industrialization, there are more and more infrastructure projects in transportation and other fields, and the number and variety of construction machinery used for these tunnel constructions are also growing at the same rate. However, almost all construction machinery uses diesel engines as a power source, causing fuel waste and environmental pollution problems. Therefore, this paper proposes a dual power system applied to construction machinery, which has two major power sources - diesel engine and electric motor. This paper mainly analyzes the connection mode of the double power system of engineering machinery. According to their respective characteristics, after the comprehensive analysis, the separated series structure is selected as the research object of this thesis. The motor structure is modified to provide an overrunning clutch inside, and the diesel engine and the electric motor are connected by an overrunning clutch. In the environment with small working space, the double power system is driven by electric motor, which not only realizes zero emission of vehicle exhaust, but also protects the health of drivers and construction personnel. Moreover, from the perspective of energy saving and environmental protection, the motor drive system has great advantages. It provides theoretical guidance for the development of double power systems for construction machinery in the future.
Tunnel, double power system, environmental protection, simulation
Wang Lixiang. Research on Double Power System of Engineering Machinery. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2019) Vol. 2 Issue 3: 91-97.
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